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GAZA WAR: Israeli Soldiers Killed in West Bank Car Attack

Two Israeli soldiers were killed in a car attack in the northern West Bank on Wednesday evening. The suspected Palestinian driver rammed into the soldiers near the city of Nablus, according to the Israeli army.

The army
confirmed the incident to newsmen on Thursday, stating that the soldiers had been visiting the area when they were attacked. Senior military officers were quick to visit the scene to clarify the circumstances surrounding the incident.

The Israeli army is currently searching for the suspect, who has reportedly handed himself over to the Palestinian police. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the suspect is in custody, but this has not been officially confirmed.

This incident comes amid heightened tensions in the region, with recent clashes and military operations in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army has been on high alert in recent weeks, following a series of attacks and attempted attacks on Israeli citizens.

The incident has sparked widespread condemnation from Israeli officials, who have vowed to bring the perpetrator to justice. The Israeli army has also increased security measures in the area, in an effort to prevent further attacks.

The Palestinian Authority has also issued a statement condemning the attack, and has called for restraint and calm in the region.

The incident is a stark reminder of the ongoing security challenges facing Israel and the Palestinian territories. The region has been plagued by violence and instability for decades, and incidents like this only serve to further destabilize the area.

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