In a harrowing incident that has shaken the community of Akure, Ondo State, a 17-year-old girl identified as Wunmi Aduloju allegedly stabbed her 54-year-old aunt, Mrs. Funmilayo Adelayi, to death. The gruesome incident occurred in the victim's three-bedroom bungalow situated along Superjet Road, Premier Estate, off Oda Road, Akure South Local Council Area.
According to statements from the Ondo Police Command, the suspect, Wunmi Aduloju, had been grappling with mental health issues. Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Funmilayo Odunlami-Omisanya, revealed that medical records obtained from a psychiatric hospital where Wunmi had been receiving treatment confirmed her mental health condition.
The tragedy came to light when residents of the area noticed a foul odor emanating from the victim's residence several days after the incident. Concerned neighbors alerted the deceased's sister, who, upon arriving at the scene, discovered the decomposing body of Mrs. Funmilayo Adelayi. It was then that the police were informed, and an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident was initiated.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the deceased had been residing with her niece, Wunmi Aduloju, who abruptly went missing after the incident, locking the door behind her. Upon discovering the body, the police observed signs of violence, consistent with stabbing, and recovered a knife from the crime scene.
In response to the tragic events, the police swiftly apprehended Wunmi Aduloju, who was subsequently taken to a police medical facility for safekeeping to prevent harm to herself and others. Meanwhile, the remains of Mrs. Funmilayo Adelayi were transported to the mortuary for preservation pending further investigation.
The disturbing incident has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting reflections on the importance of mental health awareness and support systems for individuals grappling with psychological challenges.
As the investigation unfolds, the authorities continue to grapple with the implications of the tragedy, underscoring the urgent need for greater mental health advocacy and intervention to prevent similar occurrences in the future.