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Gruesome Attacks by Suspected Boko Haram Terrorists in Niger State

A series of attacks by suspected Boko Haram terrorists in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State has resulted in the death of twenty people. The attacks began on Thursday and targeted several villages in the area, including Bassa. In this particular incident, the terrorists beheaded ten young men who refused to join the Boko Haram terror group. Survivors of the attack reported that the terrorists made members of the community hold the severed heads while they took pictures and made video recordings.

The witnesses who shared these horrifying details chose to remain anonymous due to fear of the terrorists. They also mentioned that the terrorists stormed the village in broad daylight, assembled the residents, and randomly selected twenty adults whom they shot at close range. The terrorists also set houses on fire and killed domestic animals in other villages, including Lanta, Kasimani, Unguwan-Madi, and Makuda.

This is not the first time such brutal attacks have occurred in the region. Two months ago, suspected Boko Haram terrorists beheaded nine people in Allawa, also in Shiroro Local Government Area, after dislodging soldiers camped in the community. The victims had defied warnings from the terrorists not to return to the community after fleeing during the attack on the military camp.

The state government and the police have not yet issued a statement regarding the latest massacre. However, Senator Sani Musa, who represents Niger East district, described the murders as barbaric, heartless, and inhuman. He expressed his deep concern and questioned the motives behind the attacks, emphasizing that the victims were harmless and innocent peasant farmers.

It is important to note that Boko Haram has been waging a decades-long insurgency in the northeastern part of Nigeria. However, their terror activities have now extended to Niger State, where they have seized many rural communities. The persistent strength of violent extremist organizations like Boko Haram poses significant security risks to Nigeria and the international community.

Suspected Boko Haram terrorists have carried out gruesome attacks in Niger State, resulting in the death of twenty people. The terrorists beheaded young men who refused to join their group and subjected the community to horrifying acts. These attacks highlight the ongoing threat posed by Boko Haram and the need for continued efforts to combat terrorism in the region.

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