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Govt to Demote School Head Over Extortion in Akwa Ibom

The Akwa Ibom State Government has announced plans to demote a head teacher from one of its public schools for extorting money from parents. This decisive action was revealed by the Commissioner for Education, Mrs. Idongesit Etiebet, during a ceremony for the distribution of ARISE branded exercise books to pupils in the Uyo senatorial district.

The head teacher in question reportedly demanded N1,000 from all new students and an additional N5,000 from each pupil in exchange for their placement letters. Such actions undermine the state’s commitment to providing free and compulsory education, a cornerstone policy aimed at ensuring every child has access to quality education without financial barriers.

Commissioner Etiebet condemned the extortion as a betrayal of government efforts and issued a stern warning to other head teachers across the state. “I want to use this opportunity to warn all head teachers to do your best. Do not collect money of any kind from students, or else you would be demoted with immediate effect through the appropriate disciplinary channels,” she emphasized. She added that the implicated head teacher would face consequences next week for his unjust actions.

John Udo, a member of the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), confirmed that the Board had concluded investigations into the allegations. He also mentioned that steps were being taken to refund the illegal charges collected from parents. “Education is free and fair in Akwa Ibom State, you have not been asked to collect money from any student,” Udo reiterated, praising the Governor for ensuring prompt payment of counterpart funding for all Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) projects in the state.

Earlier in the event, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Stella Etukakpan, highlighted the Governor’s proactive measures since assuming office. These include unscheduled visits to schools and regular spot checks to monitor and improve educational standards. She also commended Commissioner Etiebet for her dedication and passion in implementing the Governor’s vision for educational advancement in the state.

Dr. Essien Ndueso, the Senior Special Assistant on Research and Documentation, spoke about the comprehensive monitoring mechanisms put in place to ensure effective distribution of resources. He explained that Ward Personal Assistants have been equipped with iPads to document and report the distribution process, ensuring accountability and transparency.

The ARISE branded exercise books distributed during the event are part of the government’s efforts to support public primary school pupils in the Uyo senatorial district. These books are designed to alleviate some of the burdens on parents and ensure that pupils have the necessary materials for their education. This initiative aligns with the government’s broader strategy to promote free and compulsory education throughout the state.

The issue of extortion in schools is a significant challenge that the Akwa Ibom government is actively addressing. By taking a strong stance against such practices, the government aims to protect the integrity of its educational system and ensure that all pupils receive fair treatment. The demotion of the offending head teacher serves as a deterrent to others who might consider engaging in similar activities.

The involvement of various stakeholders, including SUBEB and the Ministry of Education, underscores the collaborative effort required to maintain and improve educational standards. The community's role is also crucial, as parents and local leaders work together with the government to report and address issues promptly.

The Akwa Ibom government’s commitment to education is evident in its proactive measures and the swift response to issues like extortion. By ensuring that education remains free and accessible to all, the government is laying a strong foundation for the future development of the state. This commitment is further highlighted by the consistent efforts of officials like Commissioner Etiebet and Permanent Secretary Etukakpan, who work tirelessly to uphold the Governor’s vision.

Looking ahead, the Akwa Ibom government plans to continue its efforts to enhance the quality of education. This includes maintaining strict oversight of school administration to prevent any form of corruption or malpractice. Additionally, initiatives like the ARISE exercise book distribution will be expanded to ensure that all pupils across the state have the resources they need to succeed.

The demotion of the head teacher over extortion marks a significant step in the Akwa Ibom government's ongoing efforts to ensure a fair and free educational system. By taking strong action against such practices, the government sends a clear message that any form of corruption within the educational sector will not be tolerated. This move, along with other proactive measures, underscores the government's commitment to providing quality education for all pupils in the state.

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