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Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) Sets Deadline for Outstanding Bills Payment

The Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) has issued a stern notice to its customers regarding outstanding bills, setting a deadline for their payment to avoid potential service disruptions. The statement, released by AEDC's Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications, Adefisayo Akinsanya, underscores the necessity of settling bills promptly to ensure continued access to electricity services.

According to the announcement, customers with outstanding bills have been given a 72-hour window to settle their accounts. The deadline for payment is set for Monday, June 3, 2024. AEDC has made it clear that failure to adhere to this deadline will result in the disconnection of electricity supply to the defaulting customers.

This move by AEDC highlights the importance of timely bill payments in maintaining efficient and reliable electricity services. Akinsanya emphasized that such payments are vital for the sustained operation and improvement of AEDC's infrastructure. Uninterrupted service delivery to the community hinges on the timely settlement of bills, making it imperative for customers to fulfill their financial obligations to the company.

The notice serves as a reminder to customers about their responsibility to ensure timely payment of their electricity bills. By setting a deadline and issuing a warning of potential disconnection, AEDC aims to encourage prompt action from customers with outstanding bills. The company's priority is to maintain the integrity of its services
and uphold its commitment to providing uninterrupted electricity supply to the community.

AEDC's decision to enforce payment deadlines reflects its dedication to efficient operations and customer service. By holding customers accountable for their financial obligations, the company aims to streamline its billing processes and minimize instances of outstanding payments. This, in turn, contributes to the overall stability and reliability of AEDC's electricity distribution network.

The consequences of non-compliance with the payment deadline are clear: customers who fail to settle their outstanding bills risk losing access to electricity supply. AEDC's firm stance on this matter underscores the seriousness with which it regards timely bill payments. It is a proactive measure aimed at ensuring financial sustainability and operational efficiency within the company.

Customers are urged to take immediate action to settle their outstanding bills within the stipulated timeframe. By doing so, they not only avoid service disruptions but also contribute to the continued improvement and reliability of AEDC's electricity services. Timely bill payments enable AEDC to invest in its infrastructure, upgrade its systems, and provide better services to its customers.

In conclusion, AEDC's decision to set a deadline for outstanding bill payments reflects its commitment to operational efficiency and customer service excellence. By issuing this notice, the company seeks to remind customers of their responsibility to fulfill their financial obligations promptly. Timely bill payments are essential for the sustained delivery of uninterrupted electricity services, and AEDC expects all its customers to adhere to the payment deadline to avoid service disruptions.

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