In a devastating incident on Friday night, a tanker explosion at the Eleme section of the East-West Road in Rivers State has resulted in the loss of five lives and the destruction of more than 70 vehicles. Eyewitnesses recounted a horrifying scene as a petrol-laden tanker collided with a heavy-duty truck, causing a massive fire that rapidly spread along the Akpajo-Onne Road due to the gridlock caused by ongoing road construction.
According to eyewitness Baridi, the intense fire engulfed numerous vehicles, trapping occupants who were unable to escape. Motorist Precious described the chaos, stating that the thick traffic prevented drivers from maneuvering away from the danger, resulting in multiple casualties and extensive property damage.
The tragedy has sparked criticism of the road reconstruction efforts, with Precious blaming the lack of alternative routes and poor traffic management for exacerbating the situation. He urged authorities to expedite the construction process and ensure better coordination with the needs of commuters.
Confirming the grim casualty figures, the spokesperson for the State Police Command, Grace Iringe-Koko, disclosed that five individuals had lost their lives in the incident. She assured the public that law enforcement, led by the Commissioner of Police and his team, was actively engaged in maintaining order and providing assistance.
This tragic event echoes a similar incident in March 2023, when twelve individuals perished in an early morning explosion at a crude oil tapping point in Rumuekpe community, underscoring the ongoing safety challenges associated with petroleum-related activities in the region.
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